Institute for Digital Business

How AI is Refining Human Connection – The Evolution of Interpersonal Communication

Von Viktoria Mauz, März 20, 2024

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has long since found its way into our daily lives and supports us in various ways. The today’s debate is no longer whether we use AI, but how. There are many applications on the marked and new valuable methodologies are becoming available. This blog article discusses various AI methodologies in terms of their applicability and how they will influence and change interpersonal communication. The benefits, challenges, and the ethical considerations that comes along with the technology will be illustrated.

New methodologies are becoming available.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) includes Chatbots and virtual assistants ranging from translation applications up to predictive text generation. These tools are commonly used to support us in our daily tasks to be more efficient, faster, enhance quality and performance.

Benefits of AI for interpersonal communication.


Quelle: eigene Darstellung mit Canvas

1. Enhance Accessibility and Convenience

With the use of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, people can engage hands-free, send messages, or access information by asking questions. This simplifies accessing information and enables inclusive communication also for people with disabilities.

2. Efficiency and Productivity

Chatbots are available 24/7, providing instant response to customer and resolving common issues. This not only saves time but also enhances productivity for business and customer. Humans can focus on complex tasks while routine inquiries are handled by the AI powered chatbot.

3. Predictive Text and Auto Complete

AI-driven auto-complete features to predict e-mail text has turned the communication in a more standardized way to use occurring phrases to save time and express more effectively. Misunderstandings in text-based communication can be reduced.

4. Voice and Speech Recognition

Voice recognition allows transcribe spoken words accurately and is of particularly benefit for people with writing disabilities, as it enables them to communicate through voice and speech recognition technologies. Further, this technology can assist in language translation to enable communication through several languages.

Challenges and Ethical dilemmas in using AI for interpersonal communication.


Quelle: eigene Darstellung mit Canvas

While AI has brought the above positive benefits, it also poses certain challenges and ethic dilemmas.

1. Privacy concerns

AI technologies often require access to vast amounts of personal data to function effectively. This raises concerns about data privacy and data security. It is important to be caution about the information shared with AI-driven platforms.

2. Bias and Discrimination

AI algorithms can inherit biases from the data they are trained on, with can lead to discriminatory outcomes. In the context of interpersonal communication, this can manifest as biased content recommendations or responses. It is essential to continually monitor and mitigate theses biases.

3. Loss of Human Touch

There is a risk of losing the human touch in our interactions with integrating AI in our standard communication. It becomes even more important that an empathic communication remains crucial in a world filled with AI.

4. Job Displacement

The automation of customer services and support roles through AI-powered chatbots led to concerns about job displacement. It is important to reskill the workforce to perform other tasks.


AI is undeniable influencing and changing interpersonal communication to make it more accessible and efficient. However, it also brings challenges related to data protection as well as personal and empathic communication. As we embrace the benefits of AI, it is crucial to bear in mind the challenges it brings to human and to value the richness of human connection. It will be essential to find a balance between the convenience of AI and the authenticity of human interaction.


Dieser Fachbeitrag wurde für das CAS Digital Women Leading HWZ verfasst und wurde redaktionell aufgearbeitet.

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